Showtime Sires
Restaurant Ranch

Restaurant Ranch
Corn Pop X Anchor

Raised by: Swenson, IL

Registration#: 626390012
Ear Notch: 27-12

- Outlier type of Hereford boar that we think will make a serious impact!!!!
- Sired by Corn Pop, who’s had a very successful first season
- This is the densest most robust Herf boar we’ve come across. He’s just extremely stout everywhere.
- This ones skull and bone is next level. Looks like he’ll work well on the majority of Hereford females out there!
- Opened up and thick made. His blade shape and spread underneath is something that’s hard to find in this breed.
- This ones going to make Herefords that are hearty.
- Color pattern is about as ideal as they come!!

Semen - $125

Showtime Sires Showtime Sires
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