Off Season Pricing In Effect through Jan. 20th
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Showtime Sires is a family run boar stud that is dedicated to the genetic advancement of your program. We have been blessed throughout the years by raising and selling numerous boars that have gone out and proven to be successful throughout the country.

Through Showtime Sires we give you the opportunity to sample the same genetics we utilize everyday. All of the boar semen offered on this website is selected for use on our own sows, not just to sell you boar semen.Along with Showtime Sires we currently have approximately 100 sows in production, focusing on the production of showpigs, and breeding stock to produce showpigs. Breeds include Hampshire, Duroc, Yorkshire, Spot, and Crossbred. Showpigs and breeding stock are available throughout most of the year.

We are thankful for the many past successes our customers have had with our genetics, and look forward to the future successes in the years to come.


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